Saturday, May 23, 2020

Extrinsic Motivation Essay - 1964 Words

Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic motivation is an encouragement from a force from outside one’s self. These forces from outside are easily described as rewards. A reward is used to bribe a student into performing or completing an activity which they would not do without this reward. Certain types of rewards that are common are stars, red-light green-light, and stickers. These rewards seem to be the most common among teachers. They seem simple and harmless, but the child must not learn to only perform for a reward at all times, but for him or herself. The theory that extrinsic rewards create lasting change is false. There have been studies to prove that for example, money as a reward has been proven unsuccessful (Rehmke-Ribary).†¦show more content†¦The teacher could possibly use eye contact, or a pat on the back as he or she walks by to observe. Any indirect way of showing the student that they are doing great will be recognized up by the student. A final simple idea is to use straightforward responses of praise with the students. This also avoids the whole class believing that a student is the â€Å"favorite.† An example is straight forward response of â€Å"Correct† (NDT). These four examples are a great way to show praise in a classroom by a teacher. Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation is the motivation or drive from within one’s self. This motivation comes from ones own curiosity and ones need to understand the information. Education originates from the Latin word educatus, which is defined as â€Å"brought out† (Krenson). Students who have had more control over their behavior show more active learning, more of an understanding, and a higher academic success. An unneeded extrinsic reward can lead to the discount of the intrinsic reward. If the student is given a reward for engaging in what was an intrinsically interesting activity, the student shows less desire to carry out the activity, oppose to the student given no reward. In further activities the student will complete tasks not to the best of their ability, but do as least as possible to acquire their reward. â€Å"When students are encouraged to plan ahead, take personalShow MoreRelatedMotivation, Extrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation3704 Words   |  15 PagesINTRODUC TION A widely observed behavior in students is their decrease in motivation. Many will label students as being ‘lazy’ or ‘careless’ with their work when in reality multiple factors are influencing their motivation to do well in school. Two kinds of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic, are the primary influences on how students behave in school. 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The first type of motivation is intrinsic motivation, which â€Å"generally refers to motivation to engage in an activity because that activity is enjoyable and satisfying to do† (Noels, Pelletier, Clà ©ment, Vallerand, pg

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