Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sexual Harassment At The Military - 1964 Words

Shirley Boone Boone1 Deborah-Sullivan-Ford 212 Women in Business organizations Sexual Harassment of Women in the Military; It is a Dirty Secret I would like to bring awareness, give insight about the actual victims, and possibly educate you about sexual harassment of women in the military. Sexual harassment can be connected to sexual assault, beginning in one form and escalating to another level. The definition of sexual harassment is: unwelcome sexual harassment behavior of a sexual nature that is related to one’s job or work surroundings. Harassers can be male or female. In the military, the soldier can be a supervisor, coworkers, or a third party. But, why have we not heard anything about this issue? As a†¦show more content†¦This number was statistically higher in 2012 than in 2010, this number was at 4.4 percent. The 6.1 percent of women who were subjected to the unwanted sexual contact indicated the maximum behavior they encountered was unwanted sexual touching, this was at 32 percent, and attempted sex was at 26 percent, but 31 percent said that they experienced completed sex. So the question is where would these crimes take place? The majority of the unwanted sexual contact happened at the military installations, and during work day or duty hours. 94 percent of the offender(s) were men and 1 percent indicated the offender(s) were female only, and 5 percent indicated the offenders were both males and female The WGRA report shows that some of the offenders drugged their victims or the victim admitted to drinking alcohol and the others reported that some form of physical force was used (U.S. Military Gender Relations Survey). The proper procedure for reporting and or filing a claim for a female solider in the Army would be to report this issue to their supervisor, the Chain of Command, the Equal Opportunity Advisor and SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention). This is after the victim has tried to resolve the issue by letting the perpetrator or perpetrators know that this type of behavior is not warranted, not appreciated or welcomed. If the unwanted behavior continues, then is the next step would be to file an

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